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How to Stay in Business in Today’s Political Climate

October 25, 2012

By Ron Petrarca, Membership Chair

One of my least favorite things in life is observing how the political system in this country works. It’s not who you know but how much money you have to sling around that gets things done in Government.  Do you need to get caught up in that game? The answer is, if you don’t know someone in government, you don’t have a chance.

Here are some Questions and Answers that may put things in perspective for you.

 1) If I’m a dues paying member, why am I asked to contribute to the Political Action Committee (PAC) ?

Answer:  The law prohibits an association to contribute to a PAC fund. Contributions can only be made by a person or company.

2) Why do we need a PAC Fund?

Answer: The reality of our times dictate that we must have our voice heard to get action and make our causes known to those we elect in Albany. The New York Alarm PAC enables your voice to be heard on important issues that affects us all.

3) Why is so much money needed?

Answer: It is important for our industry to support State Legislators that have supported us, plus for us to get our message to those that can assist and become our allies.

Let’s face it the political system money drives the Legislator’s attention. We have to cover the entire State. $15,000 is modest compared to national trade associations/ unions, etc. Jim McCully, the Albany lobbyist for our association, says that the $15,000 goal, would have a significant impact.

4) In addition to the PAC, there is a Lobbyist, Why?

Answer: The Lobbyist keeps abreast of issues in Albany that can have an impact on the Industry. Compliance Bills is one example, Laws that can affect the way we do business in addition to which Legislator we can approach when we need to deal with that issue.

5) How do I get more information?

Answer: Go online now to : · If each member of the New York Burglar Fire Alarm Association would contribute just $50 to NYALARM PAC at a minimum, we could easily achieve the $15,000 goal. That is a small price to pay for making Albany know that we are here.

As Tim Creenan, NYALARMPAC Chair said:

“No one else is going to stand up for security / fire alarm professionals but security / fire alarm professionals themselves, collectively. This is why it’s so important that every licensed security / fire alarm professional in New York State make a sizable contribution to New York Alarm PAC. We can’t do it without you and we will be substantially more effective because of you” 


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